fix(simpleschema worklist): update simple schema for worklistedit

3 jobs from devel-windows in 161 minutes and 8 seconds (queued for 2 seconds)
Status Job ID Name Coverage
  Cleanup Build
skipped #1729
  Build In Devel Windows
failed #1732
shell allowed to fail


failed #1730
shell allowed to fail


Name Stage Failure
build_in_devel_windows Build In Devel Windows There has been a timeout failure or the job got stuck. Check your timeout limits or try again
      PORT: 80
ROOT_URL: http://localhost
image: karname-app:v0.0.10
restart: always
version: '3.0'

Found orphan containers (databus) for this project. If you removed or renamed this service in your compose file, you can run this command with the --remove-orphans flag to clean it up.
Recreating karname-app ...
ERROR: Job failed: execution took longer than 1h0m0s seconds